Upgrade your website

Building a website from scratch or refreshing an outdated one can be something you put in the too hard basket, but it doesn’t have to be!

Here are three things to ensure that building a website can be a painless process.

1. Defining realistic goals: You’ll need to clearly outline realistic goals for the rebuild before starting the website build process. Whether it’s improving user experience, showcasing your products/services more effectively or making it look more professional, having a clear vision will help ease the process. If you try to do too much, building a new website can get out of hand.

2. Decision-making: Make sure you assign one person to lead the website design process, and if you’re using a marketing agency or a web developer to help you, this will be the key relationship. You’ve heard of the phrase “too many cooks in the kitchen;” this can be a hindrance to the process. In my experience, if you have too many people trying to work towards the same thing, this can hinder the process and cause more frustration.

3. Your value proposition: Having a strong value proposition is not only key for your business, but it’s a key theme and message that should be on your website. To ensure you aren’t going into a new website project blindly, you have to be certain about what your value proposition is. Consumers are likely looking at your website because they have a problem that needs solving, or they want to move towards something they desire, so make it easy for them to choose you over someone else.

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